I have been widening the selection of painting projects of late. This does not mean that I have finished or stopped painting Star Wars Legion miniatures. It’s just that I am working on these in smaller numbers now, so I can work them at the same time as other projects. I still have a number of things to paint and even have to pick up a recent arrival at my FLGS! This project started with wanting to have the escape pod model as area terrain. Looking at the droid models, I decided that I might as well paint those too, as they looked simple.
The kit is done in hard gray plastic, like all the newer models from Fantasy Flight. The models come on sprues and are easy to put together from the instructions. The set also comes with unit cards for R2D2 and C3PO to play in Legion. There are also some scenario cards, so overall a well rounded set.
I sprayed the pod light grey and hit it with a black wash. I then drybrushed the model with various shades of gray to give some variation of color on the different sections of the model and panels. I then hit the whole model with a very light gray drybrush. The base was sprayed Krylon camo tan, hit with a wash of sepia and dry brushed up with Vallejo Iraqi Sand.
C3PO was easy, I primed him tan and painted him with Vallejo gold. Hit it with a heavy GW agrax earth shade wash and then dry brushed the model with brass. I then painted the center torso wires with some red, blue and white.
R2D2 was sprayed white and hit with GW white wash for shading. I then dry brushed the model with white. Next was painting some details here and there. The silver sections were painted with Vallejo silver and then with GW gloss Nuln Oil. I did the blue sections with a first coat of GW contrast dark blue and highlighted it with Vallejo Electric Blue.
The bases are the same as my other legion models, so I won’t repeat that this time. So, now I have some droids and throw terrain!
- Manteuffel