While buying the hard foam rock terrain, I also found a foam bridge. It was cheap and looked like it had good detail, so I ordered it. The bridge arrived and I stuck it on the shelf.

The model is made of caste spray foam. This provides a very light weight terrain piece the is both rugged and detailed. The bridge came unpainted. With my current push to clear up some of my backlog of terrain, I decided that I would finish it.

I hit it with some grey spray primer from Krylon and covered it with a dark grey wash from woodland scenics (this would have been better over a white undercoat) .

I decided to a dry brush all of them with various shaded of gray, with the cap stones with a final dry brush of white. I the hit the dirt area with brown and dry brushed them up with tan. Hit it with Krylon flat coat (which has a slight sheen), for a final stone effect. Another project done!

- Manteufel