I picked up a few bases of GW crow miniatures at Fall in last year. They are from the Beastmen magic effects set. I was interested in the set when I saw it, but like most of the magic boxes, I like one thing but not others. At the price point, I did not want to pay so much for a couple of bases. As luck would happen, a walk through a flea market solved the problem. Sitting there were a number of crow bases assembled and sprayed black! So, I puled out my wallet and bought them all!

The one issue I now had was how I wished to use them. On case inspection, I saw that the basing was going to be a problem. The bases were moulded to the flocks and the previous owner used pumice to secure them. This was an issue, as I only wanted one base on a round base for Pulp gaming. Out came the snippers and X-Acto. I tried away as much of the base as I could without damaging the birds. I managed to get most of it down, but still had a round base component that remained. I went ahead and glued these to some square 40mm bases. I then applied some pumice to try to build up the base to somewhat hide the last of the roundness. This worked to some extent, but not as much as I would have liked. however, I did not want to spend forever for some random bases, so left good enough lone.

It was time for painting, a black wash and some dry brushing and the birds were done. I painted up the pumice to match my other armies. I was still left with the look of the residual round base, so I covered that with some flock. That seamed to help. I still need to go with some tufts that I think will help better, but I need to make an army decision first… So, good enough for now, but I will probably come back later…
- Manteuffel