While waiting for washes to dry on my Epic Grey Knights, I decided to finish a few random figures on my painting table. I find it a good idea to have some stuff around that is either easy to paint or easy to finish. When working on larger projects, I find things can get a little tedious, as time goes on and you are still working on the same thing. As such, I like to work on small projects in between various drying cycles of larger projects. This gives me the satisfaction of continually finishing things, while slowly moving forward on the larger project. We all have to find out ways to cope!
So, a couple of random figures… I painted three 18th century civilians and a fantasy bird swarm. I painted them up and did my usual basing for fantasy and F&I and now have a few extra models to play with.
In the picture, the farmers are chasing the birds away! In reality, the two shall never meet on a gaming table! The bird are from Reaper (I like the skeleton they are hovering over) and will most likely become a unit filler or swarm stand for T9A.
- Manteuffel