Last weekend Lard America hosted a Too Fat Lardies Game Day at Huzzah Hobbies in Ashburn Virginia. Over the course of the day over thirty Lardies played in nine different games. There was Chain of Command, I Ain’t Been Shot Mum, Sharp Practice, What a Tanker!, and Dux Britanniarum. The day was capped off with a group dinner at a local Indian restaurant for curry and camaraderie.
After a great day of gaming I think I’ve taken more than a few steps into full on Lard membership. I put together and ran my first convention game ever, I wore my Lard America polo shirt, I was interviewed for the Oddcast and I ended the day with curry. Long live the Lard!
I’d like to offer a special thanks to John Emmett who arranged the event. John got us the space, ensured everything was well organized, arranged door prizes and provided a large snack spread. Excellent work John, I hope you recover enough to want to run something like this again!
In no particular order here are some pictures I took of the games and people that made up A Bridge Too Lard.
I’m looking super official in my Lardy polo shirt next to the clubs super official sign!
John Emmett surveys his very Lardy kingdom.
Goat Curry and a few of the naan that managed to escape my naan eating frenzy. Sooo many carbs, I regret nothing! Nothing except not having room for more naan that is!
What do you mean my Lard America mug doesn’t go with the decor? Fine, I’ll keep it in my hobby room, it’s too classy to be in the kitchen anyway!
Lard America:
Huzzah Hobbies:
5 Tara:
Lard (not Lard America):
- Wachtmeister