While canvasing the vendor hall at this year’s Historicon, I came across the Dream Pod 9 vendor booth. The company sells a few Sci Fi miniature lines and some of their painted space ships caught my eye. While taking a closer look (I am a sucker for a nice paint job), I noticed a bin full of various Heavy Gear miniatures. To be honest, I have no interest in the particular game or most of the models, I did see a few terrain packs that did interest me, specifically the Stone Heads packs. Looking at these more closely, I thought they would make an excellent addition to my Pulp terrain collection. With that in mind, I picked up a pack each of the partially buried and standing Stone Heads.
The models themselves are single caste, so no assembly is required. They are made from a hard grey resin. Detail is nice with a bit of stone effect. A few have a minor amount of flash at the mold line. However, is quick X-Acto scrape and they are cleaned up. As such, they are pretty much ready to go from the pack.
I went with a simple paint job to get them game ready. I started with a Grey spray paint covering using enamel paint. This is both the primer and base coat (I tend to do this with terrain to speed the painting process). Once that dried, I hit the model with some black wash from GW. I then did a little spot washes with GW camo green wash. I let that dry and hit the full models with a medium grey drybrush, followed by a light grey to pick up the highlights. The partial buried ones also have some ground on them. This I painted brown and drybrushed with earth and then some light tan. I added some flock along the edges and spray dull coated everything. Very quick job and I now have some Moai ready to go!
All together, they are nice and well detailed models that will look good on most any fantasy or pulp gaming table. I give them five out of five stones!
- Manteuffel