So, while at an HMGS convention some time ago, I stopped by the Gajo booth to look at some of their Napoleonic Miniatures. While going through their display, I came across their somewhat (at the time) new Volsksturm painted figures. I was in the market for some Volkssturm, but in no mood to paint the figures. Ironicllay, it is always the poorest quality troops that are the hardest to paint in gaming with all their varied uniforms and clothing…. However, Gajo had done the work already, so I quickly handed over my cash and took home two platoons worth!

The figures are just the Battlefront packs painted using the Foundry method (which always looks good on 15mm figures that do not have too much lace or piping! The models are great with all the variation. They come with the LMG support and everyone has to love the men with bicycles! The variation that Gajo does on the paint of the figures is fantastic, so you defiantly get that motley look.

The bases come with the BF bases in the pack, but you have to do your own basing. This suits me fine, as it makes it easy to get them to blend with my existing troops with matching bases. This is very important to me when doing wargame armies, as I think nothing ties an army together better than matching bases (or ruins the aesthetic more). So, I just did the basing to match my existing Germans. It starts with Vallejo Black Pumice (they did not have all the current colors when I started with this army), some brown to tan drybrushes, Scenic Express mixed turf flock and some Silfore tufts. I then paint the border dark earth and hit everything with some Testors Dull Coat.

I am very happy with the quality of the Gajo paint job and by adding my own basing, now have some Volksturn that will blend in well with my existing troops! If your looking for some Volkssturn for your force, you cannot go wrong with giving Gajo!
- Manteuffel