View of three of the new buildings. Each large square is an inch.
In addition to the recently reviewed 28mm Crescent Root buildings, I also picked up a number of the new Series I 15mm Hybrid buildings to fill out my 15mm Middle East town collection (Which contains out of production Crescent Root MDF buildings). These buildings are from the somewhat new Series I line that replaces the old MDF line. Like all the new offerings, these buildings are a hybrid of other materials (I’m guessing laser cut plastic and resin, with paper and MDF as appropriate). The materials are not really noticeable, as everything is filled and painted (looking at the bottom you can see grey plastic or resin and you can smell a little MDF on a few pieces). As with all Crescent Root offerings, all buildings are fully assembled and fully painted, with removable roofs. Each building is fully filled and painted, so you will find no unpainted edges like many pre-painted MDF buildings on the market.
I ordered the buildings online and they arrived in their normal timely fashion. Like all Crescent Root offerings, you order each building ala carte. You have the option of picking between four different colors, so can have multiple variations of the same building in your collection. If you have the earlier buildings like me, these blend in fine. If not, you have plenty of color choices to build your collection with. I continue to be impressed with how Crescent Root keeps improving their buildings and even gives more options to choose from.
Here are a few photos of most of the line for you to get a better idea of scale. For more information, you can go to the Crescent Root site.
Top view of all buildings with roofs removed.
Top view of buildings with roofs removed. Smaller buildings on the left do not have removable roofs.
Small house with extension and court yard(front and back)
Small House with court yard (front and back).
Building cluster (front and back).
So, on to the masonry score!
Ease of assembly 5 out of 5 Bricks.
All buildings come pre-assembled and painted (with a little weathering to boot!). All “loose” pieces are for game play (removable roofs) or storage only. Smaller buildings are single piece without removable roofs.
Ascetic look 5 our of 5 Bricks.
All buildings and accessories are nicely painted and weathered in the same style. This provides for a uniform look that looks great on the table. No need to do any touch up painting! You can also pick your color preferences.
Ease of Use 4 out of 5 Bricks.
With the exception of the small out buildings, all the other buildings have removable roofs and upper floors. The roofs come off reasonably easily and sit well on the building (they do not fall down randomly). The floors are easy enough to remove, but they are inside the building. As such, it makes it a little tricky to stack up units in buildings (I will not use the upper floors in my games). Further, as the smaller outbuildings are solid, you cannot place troops inside (they are too small to fit a base of anything anyway). If it is important to you that all your buildings are fully accessible, you should pass on them and stick with the larger buildings only. If you prefer the cluttered look on the table (which I do), then do not hesitate to include them.
Flexibility 5 out of 5 Bricks
As each building and accessory is ordered separately, you can mix and match the buildings how ever you like. Crescent Root also offers seperate MDG side walks as platforms that you can use to give more of a three dimensional look to your towns. Being 15mm, they do not take up much room. With some some creative packing (the buildings are hollow), you can pack them in a reasonable craft container. Being made out of light weight materials, the buildings are easy to transport.
Price 5 out of 5 Bricks
Generally speaking, you can never say a finished terrain piece is inexpensive, as you always have to pay for the finishing. For those that enjoy building and painting their terrain, go for the unpainted versions and save some money. For those of us that either have limited time, skill or do not get enjoyment out of terrain building, the painted versions are golden. Further, you will find that these are some of the least expensive painted buildings on the market (cheaper than some unpainted offerings), so your wallet will not suffer too much!
Overall 4.75 out of 5 Bricks
I’m a huge Crescent Root fan. Each generation off buildings get better and better. These look great, they are easy to store and transport and they do not cost a fortune. I continue to be a very happy customer! Mark Neimeyer from Crescent Root Studios is very responsive and very helpful. If you are into Middle East terrain in this scale, this is a line to keep an eye on if you are in the market for buildings. In summary, these buildings are well sculpted and painted and will look great on any battlefield. Bring out your inner mason and check Crescent Root out!
– Manteuffel