It was time to try a re-match of elves vs daemons. My buddy is still trying to find a way to field a dragonless high elf army. The Wachmeister just keeps his gribblies in play. This time going with a Daemon Prince, in place of his Soul Grinder. This gave him the advantage of getting more magic off, as Papa Nurgle always wants to get stuck in!

The High Elves were commanded by a general on a Griffon with an Ogre Blade. The army had some Silver Helms, Sea Guard, Archers, Rievers, three bolt throwers and a BSB chariot and a mage lord on a horse.

Nurgle included Papa Nurgle, a level 4 Prince, Flys, two units of Plague bearers, nurglings, beasts, furies and a BSB on palanquin. The scenario was battle line, with a 200 point objective in the center of the table.

We set up, with Nurgle getting the first turn. The first two turns were somewhat uneventful. Nurgle advanced into the center, while the elves tried to engage on the right flank. The elf shooting was mostly ineffective. However, the Nurgle pillar of fire did solid work removing almost all the elf light units on the flank.

The Griffen tried to dance a bit with the flies to keep them back, while the knights got a jump on one of the units of Plague Bearers. The elves got the upper hand and were driven back. The Nurglings interviewed to protect the infantry.

The cavalry continued to drive forward, into the Nurgle lines. Meanwhile, Nurgle turned both flanks with the faster units and cleaned the artillery.

The elves then went in all in with all their characters to support the cavalry attack and try to clear out the Nurgle infantry. Those fights went the Elves way, but very slowly. Papa Nurgle jumped in to help out and quickly eliminated the chariot. However, the cavalry had eliminated the Nurglings, one unit of infantry and got the other down to a single figure with the BSB.

We were ready to play turn six, but time ran out in the store and we had to clean up. We left it with the Daemons ahead by 400 points. The last turn would have been decisive, as the Elves had a chance to finish of the infantry, BSB and Daemon Prince. It would just be a case if the winning units could stay away from Papa Nurgle! However, that is just guessing. We clearly needed to play a bit faster, but that was probably on me, as I needed to be more efficient on the spell casting and movement of the Griffon. Well, that is why one needs to play more games!

- Manteuffel