While I was checking out the vendor hall at Cold Wars, I made it the booth by Silver Eagle Wargaming. I normally see them at Williamsburg Muster, but did not make that convention this year. Lucky for me, they were at Cold Wars. I also found out that they got in a batch of French and Indian War troops from Big Battalions a week earlier. Score!

I needed some Indians to go with my British and could use more militia and frontiersmen. These would be useful for both AWI and F&I. They had two sets of Iroquois and Frontiersmen, so I picked them both up. I thought about some other Indian tribes they had, but that can wait for the next convention!

I actually thought these were painted to a higher standard than I normally see from Big Battalions and am quite happy with the purchase. My only challenge is that I like the basing, but it does not quite match my existing forces… Decisions, decisions….
- Manteuffel