I somewhat recently posted some 15mm Prussians I picked up from Gajo and finished up. Well, I finally got around to putting them away with the rest of my Prussian troops. Much to my chagrin and shock, I realized I had a whole bunch of units in the box that I never finished!

Well, that would not do. I pulled them out to finish them up. They all needed standards, so I went to Warflag to print some out. Another issue, that website is now defunct…. Very sad. Well, I did not want to have to make my own, so I went online and ordered some from GMB (I needed some other flags and just added these to the order). I waited a bit and they finally arrived.

I attached the flags, flocked the bases and sealed all the minis. Now I can say all by painted Prussians are finished. The figures are all bought painted. With these done, I can now get back to my other troops!

The regular infantry is from Old Guard Panters. The reserve infantry, dragoons and red lancers are from Dragon on eBay. Finally, the white lancers are from Gajo.

- Manteuffel
Hi, using archive.org I found a link to Warflag’s flags. Here you go.
Thanks! I will check it out. I tried to find it on wayback, but had no luck. This will save me some cash on some Russians and US I have planned!