Deep in the jungles of the Congo lies an old trading post, that has not been heard from in a number of years. Many rumors have come back from area tribesman regarding the fate of the trading company. Most believe it was overrun by the once peaceful local Wambasa tribe, that claims all the land in the area. Others point to more recent archaeological diggings that may have strayed into ancient burial grounds. It has been said that these uncovered the great Whatiti Ruby, maybe the largest ever found. Many expeditions have ventured into the jungle, but have been unsuccessful. Since the departure of an expedition from Transylvanian, no other expeditions have returned. Her Majesty’s government has contracted a number of individuals to find out the truth (of course finding a large diamond wound not hurt either). Your band of adventurers has taken the call, just watch out for other ruffians that might be looking for the same. Fortune and glory!
Scenario Rules
Place a walled compound in the center of the table. A small damaged shrine in around the compound and a few tents from previous expeditions.
Place two encounter markers in separate buildings (one must be number 6). Place the other markers outside the compound. six encounter markers on the table. Encounters are as follows:
1 – Warning sign: Warning, you are trespassing on land of the Wambasa, turn back.
2 – Warning sign: Warning, you are trespassing on land of the Wambasa, turn back.
3 – Warning sign: Warning, you are trespassing on land of the Wambasa, turn back.
4 – Trap.
5 – Key.
6 – Awaken Vlad.
All doors in the compound are locked and must be forced open. Player must roll above the model’s Pluck vale. Characters with Engineer or Mechanic abilities may re-roll their failed Pluck attempts.
Key. Character that has uncovered the Key encounter, may open any door freely.
Trap. Character must roll above Pluck value or be knocked down. If the character is knocked down, roll against Pluck again. If failed, the character is killed (Medics may still intervene as normal).
Awaken Vlad. Place Vlad the Vampire in the location of the marker. Vlad will attack anyone that is in his room. Vlad will not leave the room, unless the Wambasa enter his compound, when he will attack everyone in his compound. Vlad will fly away, if there are no Wambasa models on the table (after they have entered of course).
Warning Sign. Once two warning signs are discovered, the Wambasa will enter the side of the table that is nearest to the second sign. There are 30 Wambasa warriors. The have Pluck of 6, armor of 6, speed of +1, FV and SV of 1. They may be armed with bows, muskets or spears. One of the Wambasa is one of their princes. He has a Pluck of 4, armor of 7, Speed +1, FV and SV of 2. The leader of the hunting party is their Priest Cakatu. He has a Pluck of 2, armor of 7, Speed of +1, FV and SV of 0. He is holding the staff containing the Whatiti Ruby. Once 20 warriors have been killed, the remaining warriors will run back of the table from the side that they entered. Priest Cakatu must be the last to leave (if he is alive).
Swarm. Three turns after the Wambasa leave the table (or are all killed), all the rest of the Wambasa will arrive on the same table edge. this is a wave of thousands of bodies that will cover the table from end to end, so only need to be represented by a marker. Roll 2D10 at the beginning of each turn. This is how far the line moves. Any characters that the line crosses over are removed from play (they are captured).
Victory Points:
Each enemy character/Wambasa you kill: 2 Points
Each enemy/Wanbasa leader you kill: 5 Points
You leave the table with the Whatiti Ruby 10 Points
– Mantueffel