Now that the main tank force is out of the way, it is time to add the supporting elements for the company. I started with a platoon of halftracks to add a mech platoon for the 1st. These are just a box of plastic halftracks from Battlefront.
The Peddinghaus sheets have only two halftracks and one is for the 2nd. So, back to the internet to look for more photos. Not a lot to work with, so back to extrapolation! Once again, I went with a rough matching of locations, with a little variation.
These followed the same steps as the earlier lend lease project vehicles. I sprayed the models with Krylon dark olive camo paint, hit the bottoms with Vallejo mud pumice, black washed the tank, drybrushed up the green, added the decals, drybrushed the brown, dull coated the models and finished with a Iraqi Sand drybrush.
I managed to break off one of the machine-guns while painting (no luck finding that…). As such, I will need to go into the bits box and find another 30 cal. I will wait until I finish the rest of the vehicles, as I suspect this will be a continuing issue (It happened with the Shermans also). Now, onto some heavy support!
- Mantueffel