Reports have come out of the Altas Mountains of spotting of the famed and thought long extinct Great Cou Cou Bird. The Zoological societies of both Berlin and London have sent teams into the mountains to obtain a Great Cou Cou Bird and any unhatched eggs. The nation that is the first to have these in their collection will achieve great notoriety. No expense will be denied, but their can only be one winner in the race…..
We only had a couple of players available (including myself), so a simple scenario was on the table. I pulled out some dessert terrain and rock Terrain for the table, to give a somewhat alien rocky area in the Atlas Mountains. Since we had two sides, I went with a deeper, rather than wider frontage. The rocky outcrops were put out to break up sight lines. I threw out a little scrub and Dino bones to add some character.
The table had eight objectives, representing Cou Cou eggs. Each would be worth D3 points. The bird was placed I the center and would follow the catch that pigeon rules in the IHMN scenario. It would give ten points if dead or twenty if captured alive to the holding side. The would also be points awarded for any heroes taken out, equal to half their point cost.
We ended up using Lord Huffington’s Science Expedition and the Imperial German Schutztruppe. We randomized starting side. The forces were deployed and we got started. Lord Huffington’s troop quickly grabbed two objectives, building an early advantage. Both sides continued to move forward. The Schutztruppe took early long range fire shots with great effect, while both sides grabbed more eggs.
The Great Cou Cou bird flew into the middle of the Schutzetruppe positions and was grabbed by Feldwebel Steiner and hustled to the rear. Schutztruppe fire continued to be deadly, dropping Lord Huffington and most of his merry band. At this point, it was a clear victory for the Schutztruppe! Truth be told, it has been a long time since I have seen such imbalanced die rolling in a game. Lord Huffington’s side must have rolled at least ten 1s, while the Schutztruppe only seemed to find the other side of the die with an equal number of tens! Well, that is why we call it a game!
- Manteuffel