When The Old World was released, I decided to start rebasing most of my old Fantasy Battles armies to the new rules. I liked the aesthetic of the new basing and did not see myself going back to older games. Once I did some expander installation, I had to go back and finish off the basing for the armies and work on filling out the rosters. While I have jumped around a bit, most of my focus has been on my Dwarf army. I figured this would be the easiest army to use to learn the new rules. In practice, I think that might have been a miscalculation, as I think this army kind of tilts away from the strengths of the meta. However, I am not a tourney player and am in it for the fun!
Well, I have since rebased all my dwarves and redone all their basing. I also added a couple of pieces, but really needed to work on a few expansions. This is mostly in the character and gyrocopter areas. One thing that I did not have, that I thought was a needed add, were the Iron Drakes. I was struggling in finding figures that would fit with the look of my army to fill the gap. I am actually not a fan of the current GW models (frankly any of the current dwarf models). So, I needed to find some figures that were heavily armored in plate and had some type of heavy shooting weapon. I finally settled on some of the figures in the LotR range. These sized better with my current models and I thought I could still work the viking look, to a degree…
I chose the Iron Hills Dwarf heavy crossbowmen (almost needed a home equity loan). They looked like something that had an extra punch and had plate armor. The next problem was what to do for the champion with the Trollhammer Torpedo. I decided I could convert a couple of Grim Hammers for that purpose with some airplane bits I had floating around. My plan is to use the rest of the Grim Hammers as Iron Breakers, so no waste of figures!
I sorted that all out and painted up the figures to my liking. I had a few setbacks on my washes that slowed things down, but was able to correct through it. I started with spraying the figures silver, painting the color areas, hitting each with washes and highlights. I think they turned out fine. I may add shields to the champions, just to make them fit more aesthetically to the rest of the army. I defiantly made a few mistakes, but I will correct these when I do the Iron Breakers!
With this, my troops have a bit stronger firepower. Now I just need to get to those characters and gyrocopters!
- Manteuffel
Gyrocopters are going to cause my Nurgle forces some headaches! These guys look great!