Phase two of the new Gothic Sector line has hit the stores. The three models, bring us down to six sets out with three sets to go to fill out the line showing on the GF9 website. The models continue to be priced right, with all in the $30-35 range. The tree sets are the Arsenal, Bunker and Machine Cult. I picked them up from my FLGS to continue to fill out my Star Wars Legion terrain collection.
The models come in the usual nice box with representative box art. All models are wrapped in bubble wrap and well protected. As normal for GF9 terrain, all parts come fully painted and are ready to use on the tabletop. The Arsenal is a five part model with the main section and four spars. These come with magnets, to facilitate attaching and detaching. The Bunker (which looks like a storage bin to me) is a single piece model. Finally, the Machine Cult (kind of looks like a landing pad) comes in two pieces. This one is a bit odd. The main section is a very large flat piece (quite impressive for the price) with an attachable spare. This one pressure attaches to a rail on the side of the main model. This one does not have a magnet, but I guess is that it is because you can position the spare anywhere along the ring. All sections come in a dark green with gray, tan and silver details.
Once I looked over everything, like the earlier release, I decided I needed to pimp up the models a bit. I thought the silver was a bit stark and the gray and tan section needed a bit more depth. This was also true of some areas that were done in green. There is also a good amount of yellow and black emergency bordering that I think looks sharp.
I started by hitting all the silver and gray areas with a black wash. I also did that with some of the recessed green areas. I hit a few vents with black contrast paint. I went through and hit all the sculls with black to tone them down. I then hit the gray and tan areas with a lighter highlight. After some consideration, I decided to add some white and red to spots that looked like lights (I have done back on the earlier two and done the same), just to add a spot of color and interest. That was good enough for what I was looking for. I do intend to satin spray seal all the sections, but will do them all at the same time once I have collected and finished the last sets.
I think this collection continues to please and works well with most sci fi tabletop terrain set ups (especially if you tone down the skulls). Definitely worth a look.
- Manteuffel
Nice review, you beat me to this time!