Tuesday night came along and I headed to my FLGS for our normal game night. One of my old gaming buddies was in town and planned to join. I had a busy day and was out all day, so I did not have any gaming stuff with me. However, I figured other folks would have plenty…..
Well, I was the first to arrive and awaiting some others to join. Then I started seeing the texts coming through from most of the gang, indicating they would not make it… My buddy showed up and we chatted for a while. A few more cancellations… Finally, another buddy showed up with his Old World Empire Army in hand (he managed to forget his army lists). We waited a little longer and determined it would only be the three of us.
We had three people and only one tray of figures….. Before disappointment turned into depression, I offered to through together a skirmish pulp game using my buddies Empire troops. Everyone agreed, so I set up a board using terrain at the store. I then created two mirror(ish) forces. Each side would have five spearmen, five halberdmen, a general and one hero. One hero would be a fighter with a repeater pistol and the other would be a wizard with two spells.
I set up five objectives on the table that would count as a victory point. Each side would get a half point for each casualty they caused, with the heroes counting two (number of wounds). Each hero would just have a sword and shield. The one hero would switch out the shield for a repeater pistol.
The wizard would have two spells that would caste on a 8+. The first was a fireball that caused D6 strength four hits with AP0. The other spell would give the target (everyone in a 3″ template) a 5+ ward save.
Each hero could extend their leadership out to six inches (half range). The forces would have to be broken out into two forces.
We would use most of the rules from The Old World, with some modifications for skirmish. First, each model was a single base unit. Instead of I go you go, I changed this up a bit. Movement would be I-Go-You-Go. Shooting would be simultaneous and melee would go back and forth.
At the beginning of each turn, players would roll initiative. High player would move first and be able to pick the first melee. If a tie was rolled, there would be some random events. It would be 50/50 woods and buildings. On a 1-3 it would be a building effect. In that case, a scared farmer would shoot at interlopers. I would randomize the building and the closes model would be hit with a strength three hit. On a 4-6, it would be a woods effect. The woods would be randomized. All models within 2d6 inches would have to take a panic check with a -2 modifier, as the troops were sailed by terrifying specters.
The melee would be a little different. Each side would fight as normal, based on initiative. If a model was hit (not killed) in melee, they would have to take a break test. If they stayed, they would stay in combat. If they failed, they would flee 2d6 and by broken. The winner could either chase (only 1d6) or pivot.
Anytime a figure was wounded, it would be knocked down. At the end of the turn, each player would roll for each of their down figures. On a one, the figure would stand up. On a 2-4, they would stay down and on a 5-6, they would be removed. A vampire could kill any down model they were in contact with at the end of the turn (stealing the points).
We played through the first game in an hour, with my visiting buddy taking the victory based on victory points. We still have more time, so we decided to do a second game. I let them reorganize their forces and we started set up in random quarters on their board edge. The difference in this case, as a vampire would show up the first time a random result was rolled. This model would be based on a Demi Griff model. It would be strength five, AP2. Weapon skill and initiative would be five. The model would have three wounds and armor 3. Leadership would be 10.
As luck would have it another gaming buddy showed up, just as the Vampire arrives and was able to play that piece. All the players got into it and the Vampire was able to pull out the victory!
Well, we had plenty of laughs and finished both games before closing. Not bad for something thrown together on a lark! I might try it in the future. I think I will switch up the movement/fire/melee timing in that each player would activate one of their groups, then witch to the other player and go back and forth. It would be a little closer to the core rules and result in more melee action and faster games. We shall see……
- Manteuffel