I was heading out of my FLGS after my last game and my eye caught a D&D Pathfinder Cavern Troll model that peeked my interest. I walked over and looked a little closer and thought this would make a great gollum giant for my fantasy battle orc army. It had an orc looking head and face and sized well. It was only eight bucks, so I grabbed it.
The model is single piece semi hard plastic and ready to go out of the package. I did not notice any mould lines, so no prep was needed. It is supposed to be ready for paint, but the off white color was a little too light for what I wanted. When I got home, I immediately pulled it out of the packaging and spray painted in gray, so I could paint it the next day. I wanted a light rock effect, so opted for a lightish shade of gray. The next day I went out to the garage and collected the dried model.
I started with a black wash on the entire model. I then did spot washes of agrax earth shade and chamo shade green. I set it aside to let that dry. I then hit the model with a few shades of gray dry brushing. I went back with the green wash and hit some areas again, to bring out this color a little more. I painted the eyes with contrast paint red and the base with contrast dark brown.
I am not totally sure on what base size this gribbly has to fit on, so I just left the basing for now and will go back when I figure that out! In the end, I am happy with the look and think it came out when for something that I spent a little over an hour one! I have named him Stoney T Stonemonster. Every big gribbly has to have a name!
- Mantueffel.