While working on my 15mm Pacific miniatures, I figured I needed to get some terrain to run my own games. I have been collecting woods and trees and thought I needed some more jungle looking shrubs, that would also work as bushes for 25mm. I did a little searching on Amazon for aquarium plants and found a big set of bushes and ordered them.
The set arrived in a couple days and looked to fit the part. They were all plastic plants, attached to a weighted sand base. I removed some excess glue from the bottom of the bases and decided I would need to pimp up the bases a bit to have them match my existing terrain.
With that, I hit all the sand areas with some Woodland Scenics Burnt Umber and let that dry. I then drybrushed the bases with some craft paint tan. I followed up by adding my usual scenic effects green flock. I finished up with a spray matt varnish from Army Painter to hold the flock a little better and tone down the gloss green on the bushes.
With that, I finished them up. They were cheap, quick and fill a need. What is not to like!
- Manteuffel