I found some interesting looking box piles on Noble Knight’s online catalog last month. They were marked down fifty percent, so I thought they were worth picking up. One never has too many boxes! I ordered them with a few other bits and they arrived about a week later.
The models are all caste in a light grey resin and are single piece. Interestingly, the picture on the website did not match the actual models! The picture showed two large pieces with substantial bases. What I got was five pieces of variable sizes and very minimal bases. I kind of preferred the larger number and less basing, so I kept them. The casting quality is not great on the models, as they have a lot of mould marker imperfections. Since it is just piles of boxes, no big deal. I would be a bit worried for more finicky terrain pieces, so something to pay attention to before tearing up your packaging!
I opted to use these in my fantasy set and just wanted a different color than some of my other boxes. So, I went with a medium brown primer to start with. I hit everything with a agrax dark brown wash. I then drybrushed the boxes with some red brown and finished with some tan. I hit the base areas with heavier tan to set them off a bit from the boxes. Some Krylon dull coat and they were done.
Not a bad set, when you get them at the sale price (there are three different options available). They are good for using as barricades or just piles of boxes in a factory setting. If you are trying to cover a lot of space, they are worth a look (at the sale price at least).
- Manteuffel