Since I was working on the Canadians, I include some of the specially produced Canadian vehicles. They are not Lend Lease, but it fills out the army. Since the Canadians changed to a more olive green later in the war to match their US olive vehicles, it made sense.
So, I grabbed my Canadian CT-15 Armored trucks and universals with Piat launchers. These were at the decal stage, so I added these and painted the wood portions of the tools. Next, I needed to paint all the canvas. I opted for a dark khaki. I hit this with a dark brown wash to add some depth.
I then drybrushed all the vehicles with Vallejo Iraqi Sand, to pick out the raised details and dry mud. Next, did the basing on all the vehicles by dry brushing up the earlier applied Vallejo mud and added some summer flock from Scenic Express. I finished these with some dark earthed edging to match my infantry.
The next step was to spray Tamaya dull coat on all the vehicles to flatten the gloss decal areas and lock in the flock better. I finished by painting some metallic on the metal took fittings to finish up everyone. With that I have wrapped up the specialist Canadian vehicles and am now going to focus on their tanks!
- Manteuffel