So, I wrote a post about some dead trees that I bought on sale last winter. Well, while reorganizing some of my game storage, I found that I did not actually finish the sets I bought and primed! Seems they fell down behind the shelf… Well, that would not due, so I picked them up and put them on my paint table. I also found some other stumps in some boxes that were also not finished (old Armorcast), so I pulled them out an onto the table they went too.
All the pieces had been primed light grey (two different shades). I decided to add some tan to a few stumps, just to add some color variation. I hit all the pieces with a heavy brown wash, to give a dried out bark look. I then drubrushed up each piece with a few shades of lighter gray. I hit the tan with a tan drybrush and painted the tree sections with ground effects brown and hit that with the same tan drybrush. I finished up with Scenic Effect Summer Grass flocking and sealed everything with Dullcoat.
Hopefully, I’m done with all my dead trees now! Now I just need to set up a game and use them all!
- Manteuffel