I spent some time looking through the offerings from Phalanx consortium at the last HMGS convention. I was looking for a few bits and came across a series of MDF buildings from Mini Neo for 2mm Monsterpocalypse. Well, I am not really into that game, but they work just as well for 6mm Epic scale 40k. Well, I am never one to shy away from some reasonably priced terrain, so I bought a set.
The set comes with six tall buildings in two styles (window patterns). Each building has an inner core for the structure and an outer core for the outside of the building. This gives a three dimensional look for all the windows and provides very sturdy models.
Looking at the buildings, I figured I would assemble the inner structure and spray paint it black. I partially assembled the outer walls, by going on the entrance pieces. I then spray painted these all with gray primer. Once the paint was dry, I glued the outer walls to the buildings and had a two tone building ready to go.
As this looked a little too basic, I decided to add a wash to the gray and a grey drybrush highlight to the entire structure, just for a little more personality. Some krypton dull coat spray to seal it all together and the buildings are ready for the table top.
I am rather happy with the outcome. Easy to assemble, sturdy and not badly priced. I may have to pick up a few more buildings from this line and retire some of my smaller resin buildings…. All in all, I think these are a nice add for Epic gaming, and I suppose those of you that are into Monsterpocolypse!
- Mantueffel
Can you take some pictures with epic figures?