Well! I finally came back from my long road trip, just in time to attend Fall-in 2022. The event was back at the formerly known Lancaster Host Resort in Lancaster Pennsylvania (now the Wyndham Resort). I had originally planned on going for the weekend, but having been away from home so long, I just had too much going on. Fortunately, I had a buddy of mine that was interested in going (and driving), so we opted for the day trip option.
As mentioned, the convention was at the Wyndham Resort. The location had gone through a three year renovation and looks to be finished. Most of the spaces were redone and they even added an upstairs lounge. The location is much nicer than back in the day, but the overall layout is about the same.
Since it was only a day trip, it was going to be about shopping and looking over games. So, that is what we did. We got there about ten, so went straight into the flea market to look for deals. I picked up a few minis and then found a miniature C57D Cruiser from the movie Forbidden Planet for ten bucks (one of my all time favorite Sci Fi movies), so I was on cloud nine all day.
We then did the walk around to look over all the games being run. The number of games was solid and most looked quite nice. I am really happy to see so many people using painted teddy bear fur, which just looks so nice. As usual, the coverage was great with games from ancients to modern, with the occasional pulp and sci fi included.
Next on the list was vendor hall (and a quick sandwich break). I did not notice any new companies and some of the normal attendees were a little lighter than usual. I suspect this is because this is the smallest of the HMGS conventions, the internet and the overall economy. Having said that, I managed to spend more of my hard won money on some minutes, terrain and bases. Part of my problem is I own too much stuff, so I could not get the best out of a number of the deals that were to be had.
We did another walk through all the gaming halls and then went back to the afternoon session of the Wally’s basement flea market. There were some new people with some nice stuff, but not what I needed. My buddy picked up some FOW and LotR minis. I came across a partially painted batch of WHFB Savage Orc archers. The seller offered me a great price, so I picked them up. Now I just need to spend some time to finish painting them (I already removed them from their round bases).
With that, we decided we were ready to head out, said good bye to some friends and agreed to meet some others on the road home for some dinner. I got home around nine PM, so it was a full day. I picked up some nice deals and did not have to pay for a hotel.
I am looking forward to Cold Wars next spring. Maybe another day trip is in the cards….
- Mantueffel