We continued our Salerno theme by playing the Second Battle of the Tobacco Factory. This scenario represents the German counterattack to regain control of the factory. In our first battle (see previous report), the Americans captured the factory in the east, and the Germans retained control of Torre Paladino in the north, and Bivio Ciofi in the west. Thus in this game, the American would start the game with their infantry deployed in the eastern side of the table around the factory, with their armor arriving from reserve on the road to the southeast. The Germans could start on the table anywhere west of the railroad track and around Torre Paladino in the north, and/or they could enter on Turn 1 from the western and/or northern edges of the table.
For a description of the terrain and the historical background, see our previous report.
Objectives: The scenario has two objectives — the factory itself, and the road exit to the southeast. German control of either objective will force the Americans to withdraw from the area, so having uncontested control of either objective at the end of the game is a German victory. The Americans must have uncontested control of both objectives to win. Breaking the other side’s morale is another way to win the game. Any other result is a draw.
Rifle Company: HQS, three full rifle platoons, 4 X .30cal LMGs, 3 X 60mm mortars (deployed on table in the east), plus Antitank Platoon with 4 X 57mm AT guns with transport (in ambush).
Armored Company: 7 X M4 Shermans (in reserve)
General Support: Battery of 4 X 105mm howitzers (off table) with on table observer
PanzerGrenadier Company (dismounted): HQS, three full PzGd platoons, 4 X HMGs, 4 X 8.0cm mortars
Panzer Company: 7 X Pz.IV G (late)
General Support: Battery of 4 X 10.5cm guns (off table) with on table observer
Deployment and Moves:
The Americans deployed with one rifle platoon in and around the factory, facing north, and two rifle platoons facing west, on a line between the factory area and the southern edge of the table. The LMGs were distributed to the platoons, and the mortar battery was set up in a draw south of the factory.
The Germans set up their mortar battery near Torre Paladino in the north, along with one PzGd platoon. The other two PzGd platoons entered from the north, moving directly toward the factory. The Panzer company started behind the railroad track the west.
The Germans moved first, and all three Pz.Gd platoons converged on the factory. The Pz.IVs crossed the railroad track via the road, and then started to spread out. German mortars and artillery zeroed in on the factory.
U.S. artillery caught the Panzers while they were still bunched up after crossing the track, knocking out one Panzer and bailing another. No Shermans arrived from reserve.
On Turn 2, the German advance continued. The Panzers dispersed and advanced toward the two rifle platoons holding the left flank of the US position. The PanzerGrenadiers moved into assault range of the Factory, while indirect fire weakened the defenders.
Turn 3 saw the Germans assaulting the Factory with two platoons. The first platoon went in but was repulsed in close combat, but the second platoon swept the Americans out of the factory. About the same time, the Panzers found a weak spot in the US defenses and assaulted the southern end of the US line. This attack forced the Americans back in this area.
The Americans responded by pulling their infantry back into a tighter perimeter, and deploying their 57mm antitank guns from ambush to counter the Panzers. The first platoon of reserve Shermans arrived and took up hidden positions behind some woods, waiting for the rest of the company to arrive.
The German Panzer commander then shifted the axis of his attack, using the dead ground behind a ridge to stay out of sight while his Pz.IVs dashed to the center of the battlefield near the factory. This move left the US antitank guns with nothing to shoot at. German artillery also pinned the antitank guns, preventing them from redeploying immediately.
The PanzerGrenadiers consolidated their hold of the factory, under fire from US artillery and mortars. The Germans took some casualties and were pinned down. A weak US rifle platoon was able to move close to the factory and dig in, contesting the objective. A second platoon dug in behind them, in supporting range.
Both sides now moved their tanks toward the factory. The US Shermans massed on the eastern side of the factory, while the German Pz.IVs deployed to the northwest. The two sides played peek-a-boo around the corner of the factory, and three US tanks were knocked out.
The endgame saw neither side able to gain ground. The American position outside the factory was too strong for the weakened PanzerGrenadiers to assault and push away, and the weakened Americans could not risk assaulting the factory to take it back. Thus when time was called, the game ended in a draw!
Historically, the Tobacco Factory changed hands several times, until the German high command ordered all of their forces to pull out of the area.
- TJ