Deep into the Jungles of Siam, lies the ruins of the old temple at Azulani. A recently found map or the region have started rumors that the legendary ruby Spear of Azulani may still be found in the old temple. Adventures, goons, soldiers of fortune and dark disciples are all sharing to the location to find the artifact. Does the spear actually exist? Who knows. If it does, the person that finds it will be richer than Averis. Those dark disciples believe that this is not simply a valuable artifact, but the secret of works domination. Who will get to Azulani first? It will not be easy, as the natives of Azulani are not known to tolerate trespassing lightly. Your mission is to be that person. Get your team together, the game is a foot!
Time for another Pulp game using 7TV Pulp. I set up the table using my Siam terrain, including my newest aquarium plants. I put down a large hill and then a few smaller ones and covered the area with the Cigar Box Battles Jungle Temple map folded in half. I then through out the Permian pieces to try to make the board somewhat even.
I was expecting three players, with once coming a little later. So, I decided to take the base objective scenario, adding the Macguffin as the fifth objective. The idea was to bring the third player in later in the game as the natives. They would move last and not flip any plot cards. They would not get points for objectives, but would get double points for characters and one point per extra killed. The two other players would play their teams, on evil and the other good. The baddies had a star, two co stars and six extras. The good guys had a star, one co star and five extras. The natives had fifteen extras, but these entered randomly by rolling against the turn number and from five random temple terrain pieces.
Both sides set up within six inches of their respective table sides (long end). The good guys one the roll, so mov ed first and slowly approached the center of the board. The baddies went next and rushed the center to get to as many objectives as possible. The natives had no entries on turn one.
Thing started to heat up on turn two, as the shots rang and charges being made. There was a desperate fight over the Macguffin the left it unclaimed. A few baddy extras bit the dust, as the natives started to make their appearance.
Turn three took the game into the second act, with turn four getting most all figures into the fight. The baddies were able to concentrate and take the Macguffin, while picking up another objective. The good guys grabbed two objectives and fought off some natives. The baddies lost a co-star to the natives, but balanced out their losses by taking out a few enemy extras.
Turn five took the game into the cliffhanger phase. The turn had the baddies get their star out of the scrum with the macguffin to clear their back area of natives. The good guys let their grenades and shots fly, but had a turn of horrendous die roles that netted no dead baddies. Unfortunately, we ran out of time, so stopped the game there. The baddies rolled a six on the Macguffin D6, which gave them the victory on total points. The natives were second, based on their casualty points, with the good guys trailing in last place.
- Manteufel