The newest release from Battlefront is the new Bulge American army book and cards. I am sure this is probably the one set that every American FOW set those players have been looking for. This is the set that gives you all the toys to can think of. Not unlike the old V3 version, this set really takes the US to the top of the heap in ability. Like all the sets, this one comes in a nice card box for easy storage and transport. This set is huge, so this is one thick box!
The set includes a host of tank company options, with SP companies and, paras, infantry and mech troops. We now have two flavors of Chaffee companies and M18 and M36 companies to add to the options. The set covers the gambit for the US.
We start with a Paratroop and a Glider infantry company. You get the elite stats for the paratroopers and all their units. The Glider troops are slightly less elite (and cheaper), but still nice and also include their unit options. These include MGs, mortars, ATGs, 75mm Pack guns and 105mm Howitzers.
Next we have the “battle weary” rifle and mech companies. These also include the base platoons with all their supports. The new battle weary states makes the units reluctant, so they will not stay around quite as long,. However, V4 morale rules really makes this a minor thing, especially when you consider the points you save. Everything being cautious and each unit getting a rally value of four means that these are still very nice formations.
The support options are quite substantial. In addition to the normal mortars and guns that we see is earlier releases, we now have two rocket launcher options and some heavy SP 155s. The OP Sherman and Grasshopper are still here, with the Grasshopper being a nice force multiplier. This set (along with the army rules), puts the Americans were they below as the premier artillery army in FOW.
This set really hits the tank destroyers out of the park. It includes all the SP options and towed 76mm ATGs. I would have liked to see the towed 90mm guns, as these did get use during the Battle of the Bulge, but considering all the stuff you get in this set, one miss is not worth worrying too much about. We also see the normal M15/16 options and of coarse the deadly P-47 Thunderbolt. One of the better air support options in the game.
Last, but not least, we have the tank options. This looks a lot like V3. I do not know who it is, but someone at BF really likes the US army in WWII and it shows here the most. We have both battle weary and normal tank units. The former saves a few points without really loosing effectiveness. We have the previously offered Stuarts and Shermans. Now we have the latter versions of Shermans (A3, Jumbos, Easy Eights, on my), Chaffees and the much sought after Pershing (and Super Pushing conversion). These are all careful and have the stabilizers rule (one of the best special rules in the game). With thicker armor, direct fire smoke, solid guns , careful and stabilizers, this is the most aggressive army in the game.
If you are a US player, you will be very happy! Not only a must buy, but one that gives a lot for the price.
- Manteuffel