Tuesday night and another GW LotR game. This time around, we did an encounter fight between Urukai Orcs and Rivendell Elves someplace outside Rivendell. The game was set up on a tree foot square table, with 80 points per side. Each force was divided in half, with each force coming on a different corner of the table.

The table set up was a grassy field with clumps of wood and broken terrain scattered around. There were also a few human dwellings with the center of the table being donated by a large hill with a building on top. This gave a set up of mostly open terrain, with some blocking sight lies to allow for maneuver.

The Orc forces were build from all Ukukai infantry. Most models had a hand weapon and shield. There were a handful of archers and a few berserkers. The force was led by two named orc characters and one generic hero.

The elves were all from the Rivendell list. The force included a group of mounted knights, some spearmen and swordsmen. This force was lead by four elf named characters, with Elrond taking the lead.
The Orcs had a slight numerical superiority, but the elves had a stronger character contingent.

The Orcs divided their forces equally and set up in each opposite corner. The elves set up their mounted force with Elrond in one corner and the other force with three heroes and all the foot troops in the opposite corner. the victory condition was based on each side secretly identifying a hero figure on the other side. If they eliminated the figure, they would get bonus victory points.

The elvish battle plan was clear from the beginning. They wound use their speed to concentrate on one of the Orc groups before the other could intervene. The orcs would try to consolidate on the hill in the center of the table, while using their bows to unhorse as many elves as possible.

The game started with both sides trying to execute their plans. The elves used heir speed advantage and seemed to being in a good position early. However, the Orc and Elvish infantry managed to close first to start the fighting. Both sides started taking casualties, as the reliving orcs and elvish cavalry attempted to close.
The lights won the race, but only just. They tried to influence the fight decisively, but the remaining orcs managed to arrive just in time to balance the fight. Casualties on both sides continued to climb, with the first Orc character going down.

As the scrum continued, the need to win priority was the key factor in the game. As the Orcs desperately needed to charge the knights before they could charge. The Orcs managed to win most of the priority rolls the next four turns. However, the elves managed to win all four heroic roll offs. This would prove to be the difference in the end, as the elvish cavalry made each charge count, with the elves being able to pick the fights with their character. I timely spell casting and all orcs within three inches of Elrond got knocked down (this was almost all of them). With that and another priority win, the elves killed another orc character (loosing none themselves). The Orcs managed to break the elf army, but time had run out. The Elves had met their victory conditions and were victorious!

- Manteuffel
How many “tree foots” to a cubit? Is that an Entish measurement? Appreciate the update and I hope to get to one of these scrums soon. Nice “pop” on the Elves blue capes!
Being your own editor is always dangerous….