On the day after Thanksgiving, we always play a big tank battle, which we call “Tanksgiving”! Our game this year was based on an attack by elements of the Soviet V Guards…
Tag: East Front
FOW – Carnage in the Caucuses, September 1942.
Forward Our Friday battle took place in September of 1942 shortly after the Nazis has crossed the Terek River from Mozdok in the Caucasus as part of the drive to Grozny and…
FOW – Early War Soviet Infantry Battalion.
After putting together the winter Finnish army, I decided I needed their Soviet opponent force. In the meantime, I put together a winter German winter infantry company, as I was able to…
FOW – Nehring’s Roving Kessel
Our game was inspired by a scenario written by Charles Grant which was published in Military Modeling magazine almost forty years ago, and which was created long before then. The scenario was…
D&B – Infantry Attach Micro Armor Play Test, June 1944.
It was WWII Tuesday, so I decided to stick with play testing my micro armor rules. The earlier games have been focussed more on armor clashes, so it was time to focus…
FoW – Escape from Berlin, May 1945
An old gaming buddy of mine was in town last week and had some time to play a game. I reached out to some of the old grognards to meet up at…
FOW – Budapest 44 Breakthrough Scenario
If you follow this blog, you know that when we play FOW, it is most often how brew scenarios that are based on various historical fights. The focus is more on the…
FOW – Battle of Brody, June 1941
To kick off our Barbarossa theme month, some players requested the Battle of Brody (1941), which ran over the course of several days in late June 1941, and which might have been…
FOW – Finnish Anti Tank Support
I posted my almost completed Finnish army some time back. This included my infantry and support weapons for two companies of troops. The one missing piece for the leg mounted force was…
FOW – Battle of Schoenfliess, April 1945
We adapted a scenario published in a recent edition of Wargames, Soldiers, and Strategy to play the Battle of Schoenfliess (1945) using Flames of War rules. We also used Google Earth for…