As part of my fantasy battle collection, I have an old Vampire Counts Warhammer army that I painted some years back. At some point, I need to organize it for T9A. My…
Tag: Fantasy
Oathmark Rules Playtest.
Check out our playlets of the new Oathmark rules here. Manteuffel
Oathmark Fantasy Rules Review
Check out our review of the new Oathmark Rules released by Osprey! Manteuffel
D&D Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures: Spiders
One of the nice things about running Pulp miniature games is that you can pretty much buy anything and fit it into a Pulp scenario. Getting into the Pulp has really expanded…
Some Random Miniatures…
While waiting for washes to dry on my Epic Grey Knights, I decided to finish a few random figures on my painting table. I find it a good idea to have some…
Reaper Bones Black Giant Frogs
Picked up the Reaper Bones Black Giant Frogs at my FLGS. Thought they would be nice in a pulp game in the future. The set comes with two frogs in different poses…
Wiz Kids Deep Cuts Unpainted Miniatures: Pillars & Banners Review
I am always on the lookout for inexpensive terrain features for my gaming terrain collection. While at my FLGS, I came across a new set from Wiz Kids. It is a set…
Nineth Age Asklanders Have Landed!
With some work, I have finally gotten my T9A Asklander Army ready for the table top. As you may have noticed from some earlier articles, I have been converting my Vikings to…
Braganzia’s Besiegers, OP Warhammer Minis
It was a little while since I worked on figures for my T9A Empire army. I was short of Crossbowmen, so thought I would fill that void. I had a number of…
Eagle King Lord – T9A Sylvan Character.
Finally finished my Eagle King model for T9A. I was getting by with an old GW Eagle with a rider balancing on it. However, that model just never looked impressive enough for…